MBA In Hong Kong

An MBA in Hong Kong is a dynamic and globally recognised program that attracts students seeking a strategic business education in the heart of Asia's financial hub. Typically spanning a duration of one to two years, MBA programs in Hong Kong offer a comprehensive curriculum designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary for leadership roles in various industries. The city's unique position as a global business and financial centre provides students with unparalleled networking opportunities, exposure to international markets, and a multicultural environment that enriches the overall learning experience.

In terms of admission requirements, many MBA programs in Hong Kong require applicants to submit GMAT or GRE scores, although some programs may consider professional experience instead of standardised test scores. Additionally, proficiency in English is essential, and applicants are often required to demonstrate their language skills through the IELTS or TOEFL exams. Most MBA programs in Hong Kong want to see a decent GMAT score, usually 600+. For English, IELTS bands around 7.0+ The cost of pursuing an MBA in Hong Kong can vary depending on the institution and program, but tuition fees typically range from HKD 200,000 to HKD 800,000. Scholarships and financial aid options are available to qualified candidates, helping to make the pursuit of an MBA in Hong Kong more accessible to a diverse range of students. Overall, an MBA in Hong Kong offers a strategic blend of academic rigour, global exposure, and professional networking, making it an attractive choice for those aspiring to advance their careers in the dynamic landscape of Asian business.

Why study MBA in Hong Kong?

Studying for an MBA in Hong Kong can offer numerous advantages, making it an attractive destination for prospective business students. Here are some reasons to consider pursuing an MBA in Hong Kong:


Top-Ranking Universities:

Hong Kong is home to several prestigious universities that offer high-quality MBA programs. Institutions such as the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), the University of Hong Kong (HKU), and the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) are globally recognized and consistently rank among the top in the world for their business programs. Studying at such institutions ensures that you receive an education of international standards.


Global Employer Activity:

Hong Kong holds a prominent position in global employer activity. The city-state ranks 10th worldwide for employer activity, indicating a vibrant job market with significant opportunities for MBA graduates. The business-friendly environment and strong ties with global corporations make it an ideal place for students looking to kickstart or advance their careers.


Strong Financial Sector:

Hong Kong is renowned for its robust and dynamic financial sector. As one of the leading global financial hubs, the city provides an ideal setting for MBA students aspiring to specialize in finance, banking, or related fields. Exposure to the financial industry in Hong Kong can provide unique insights and networking opportunities, facilitating career growth in areas such as investment banking, asset management, and corporate finance.


To conclude, pursuing an MBA in Hong Kong provides a combination of academic excellence, a thriving job market, exposure to a strong financial sector, and a culturally rich environment. These factors make Hong Kong an attractive destination for individuals seeking a high-quality business education and opportunities for professional growth in a global setting.

Types of MBA offered in Hong Kong

MBA Type


Where to Get it?

Full-Time MBA

Immersive, no breaks, all-in.

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), University of Hong Kong (HKU) Business School

Part-Time MBA

Juggling work and study.

City University of Hong Kong (CityU), CUHK, University of Hong Kong (HKU) SPACE

Executive MBA (EMBA)

For the seasoned pros.

University of Hong Kong (HKU), CUHK EMBA, Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)

Top Business Schools in Hong Kong

Business School

Global Ranking

Approximate Tuition Fees

Notable Programs Offered

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)

Top 20 globally

HKD 620,000 - 700,000

Full-Time MBA, Part-Time MBA

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)

Top 50 globally

HKD 600,000 - 660,000

Full-Time MBA, Part-Time MBA, EMBA

University of Hong Kong (HKU) Business School

Top 30 globally

HKD 580,000 - 660,000

Full-Time MBA, Part-Time MBA, EMBA

City University of Hong Kong (CityU)

Notable regionally

HKD 350,000 - 400,000

Part-Time MBA

Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)

Emerging globally

HKD 320,000 - 360,000

EMBA, MBA in Finance, Part-Time MBA


1. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology(HKUST):

  • Engineering and Technology: HKUST is renowned for its strength in engineering and technology. The School of Engineering consistently ranks among the top globally, with a focus on cutting-edge research and innovation.

  • Business and Management: The HKUST Business School is highly regarded, particularly its MBA program. It is recognised for its international outlook, diverse faculty, and strong connections with the business community.

2. The Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK):

  • Medicine and Health Sciences: CUHK has a well-regarded Faculty of Medicine, with a strong emphasis on medical research and healthcare. It is known for producing top-notch healthcare professionals and conducting impactful medical studies.

  • Business and Economics: The CUHK Business School is recognised for its programs in business and economics. It offers a range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses with a focus on developing business leaders with a global perspective.

3. University of Hong Kong Business School(HKU):

  • Finance and Business: HKU Business School is internationally recognised, particularly in finance and business-related disciplines. It consistently ranks among the top business schools globally and is known for its influential research in finance and economics.

  • Law: While HKU is renowned for its overall legal education, the Faculty of Law is particularly distinguished. It is recognized for producing high-calibre legal professionals and contributing to legal scholarship.

4. City University of Hong Kong(CityU):

  • Creative Media and Communication: CityU is known for its strength in creative media and communication studies. The School of Creative Media is highly regarded for its innovative programs that prepare students for careers in the media and entertainment industry.

  • Business Information Systems: The College of Business at CityU has notable strengths in information systems and management, with a focus on technology-driven business solutions.

5. Hong Kong Polytechnic University(PolyU):

  • Engineering and Technology: PolyU excels in engineering and technology-related disciplines. The university has a strong reputation for applied research and industry collaboration in areas such as robotics, telecommunications, and sustainable design.

  • Design and Innovation: PolyU is known for its School of Design, which is recognised globally. It focuses on fostering creativity and innovation, with programs in areas such as industrial design, fashion design, and digital media.

How to Choose the Right MBA College in Hong Kong

Choosing the right MBA college in Hong Kong is a crucial decision that involves careful consideration of various factors. Here are some steps to help you in the decision-making process:


  1. Identify Your Goals and Interests:

    Know your career goals and interests before searching for MBA programs.

    Identify the specialisation or concentration you want to pursue within the MBA.

  2. Research Colleges Offering Your Desired Course:

    Create a list of colleges in Hong Kong that offer the MBA program you are interested in.

    Consider the reputation of the colleges and their ranking in business education.

  3. Check Accreditation:

    Ensure that the colleges you are considering are accredited by recognised accreditation bodies which adds credibility to to course.

  4. Evaluate Faculty Credentials:

    Research the faculty profiles of each college.

    Check for faculty members with industry experience, research publications, and a strong academic background.

  5. Assess Course Curriculum:

    Review the MBA curriculum for each college.

    Ensure that the courses offered align with your career goals and provide a comprehensive education in your chosen specialisation.

  6. Consider Alumni Network:

    Look into the alumni network of each college.

    A strong and active alumni network can provide valuable connections, mentorship, and job opportunities.

  7. Compare Tuition Fees and Living Expenses:

    Evaluate the total cost of the MBA program, including tuition fees, books, and living expenses.

    Be mindful of your budget and the availability of scholarships.

  8. Explore Campus Facilities:

    Visit the campuses or explore online resources to understand the infrastructure and facilities offered by each college.

    Consider factors such as libraries, technology, and recreational spaces.

  9. Check Industry Connections and Internship Opportunities:

    Look for colleges that have strong ties with industries and offer internship opportunities.

    Industry connections can enhance your learning experience and increase job placement opportunities.

  10. Read Student Reviews and Testimonials:

    Seek feedback from current and former students.

    Online forums, social media, and official college websites may provide insights into the student experience.

  11. Consider Location and Lifestyle:

    Evaluate the location of each college and its impact on your lifestyle.

    Consider factors such as cost of living, cultural opportunities, and proximity to potential employers.

  12. Evaluate Admission Criteria:

    Understand the admission requirements for each college.

    Ensure that you meet the criteria and prepare accordingly for any required standardized tests.

  13. Attend Information Sessions and Open Houses:

    Attend information sessions or open houses organised by the colleges.

    Interact with faculty, current students, and admissions staff to get a firsthand experience of the campus culture.

  14. Make a Pro and Con List:

    Create a list of pros and cons for each college based on the factors mentioned above.

    This can help you visualize and compare the strengths and weaknesses of each option.

  15. Seek Guidance from Career Counsellors or Mentors:

    Consult with career counsellors, mentors, or professionals in the industry for advice on choosing the right MBA program.

    Their insights can provide valuable perspectives and guidance.

  16. Consider Future Opportunities:

    Look into the placement records of each college.

    Consider the job placement rates, average salary packages, and the types of companies that recruit from each MBA program.

  17. Trust Your Instincts:

    After thorough research and consideration, trust your instincts and choose the college that aligns best with your goals, values, and preferences.


Remember that choosing the right MBA college is a personal decision, and each individual's priorities may differ. Taking the time to carefully evaluate these factors will help you make an informed decision that aligns with your educational and career aspirations.

Eligibility Criteria for MBA in Hong Kong

Eligibility criteria for MBA programs in Hong Kong may vary slightly among universities, but generally, they share common requirements. Keep in mind that specific program requirements can change, so it's advisable to check with the individual universities for the most accurate and up-to-date information. Here are the key eligibility criteria for MBA programs in Hong Kong:


Academic Degree:

A bachelor's degree from a recognised institution is typically required.

The impact: A strong academic foundation demonstrates the ability to handle the rigours of an MBA program and ensures a basic understanding of business concepts.


Work Experience:

Many MBA programs prefer candidates with work experience. The range can vary, but it is commonly around 2-5 years.

The impact: Work experience adds practical insights to classroom discussions, enriches the learning environment, and indicates a candidate's ability to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios.


GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) or GRE (Graduate Record Examination):

Submission of GMAT or GRE scores is often required, with the minimum score varying across institutions.

The impact: Standardised test scores help assess a candidate's quantitative, analytical, and verbal skills, providing a benchmark for academic readiness.


English Language Proficiency:

Proof of English proficiency is required for non-native English speakers,TOEFL or IELTS are the commonly accepted tests.

The impact: English proficiency ensures that candidates can effectively participate in lectures, discussions, and written assignments in an English-language academic environment.


Letters of Recommendation:

Usually, two or more letters of recommendation from professional or academic references are required.

The impact: Recommendations provide insights into a candidate's character, work ethic, and potential for success in the MBA program. They offer perspectives from individuals who have observed the candidate's abilities firsthand.


Statement of Purpose or Essays:

Candidates are often required to submit a statement of purpose or essays outlining their career goals, reasons for pursuing an MBA, and how the program aligns with their aspirations.

The impact: This allows the admissions committee to understand the candidate's motivations, goals, and how the MBA program can contribute to their professional development.



As part of the selection process, some courses may require interviews.

The impact: Interviews provide an opportunity for the admissions committee to assess interpersonal skills, communication abilities, and overall fit for the program.


Resume/Curriculum Vitae:

A detailed resume or curriculum vitae highlighting academic and professional achievements.

The impact: The resume provides a comprehensive overview of the candidate's background, showcasing relevant experiences and accomplishments.

It's essential to carefully review the specific requirements of each MBA program, as variations exist, and some programs may prioritise certain criteria over others. 


Additionally, meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission, as factors such as competition, program capacity, and overall application strength play crucial roles in the selection process.

Admission Requirements for MBA in Hong Kong

Admission requirements for MBA programs in Hong Kong's top universities:



Academic Requirement

GMAT Scores

Additional Documents


Bachelor's degree from a recognized institution

GMAT or GRE (Median: around 660)

Work experience (preferably 2-5 years), Letters of Recommendation, Statement of Purpose, Resume


Bachelor's degree from a recognized institution

GMAT or GRE (Median: around 610)

Minimum 3 years of work experience, Two reference letters, Resume, Personal Statement

HKU Business School

Bachelor's degree from a recognized institution

GMAT or GRE (Median: around 660)

Full-time work experience (typically 2-5 years), Two reference letters, Resume, Personal Statement

City University of Hong Kong (CityU)

Bachelor's degree from a recognized institution

GMAT or GRE (Score requirements may vary)

Minimum 2 years of work experience, Two reference letters, Statement of Purpose, Resume

Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)

Bachelor's degree from a recognized institution

GMAT or GRE (Median: around 630)

Minimum 3 years of work experience, Two reference letters, Resume, Statement of Purpose


Please note that these are general requirements, and specific criteria may vary. Always check with the respective university for the most accurate and up-to-date information. Good luck on your MBA journey!

Cost of study in Hong Kong

Let's break down the costs of studying in Hong Kong, including the approximate values in Euro and Indian Rupees:



Cost (in HKD)

Cost (in Euro)

Cost (in INR)

Tuition Fees (MBA)

HKD 200,000 - 1,000,000

€22,000 - €110,000

₹19,00,000 - ₹1,05,00,000

Accommodation (per month)

HKD 8,000 - 15,000

€880 - €1,650

₹76,000 - ₹1,43,000

Living Expenses (per month)

HKD 5,000 - 8,000

€550 - €880

₹47,500 - ₹76,000

Books and Supplies

HKD 1,000 - 3,000

€110 - €330

₹9,500 - ₹28,500

Health Insurance

HKD 2,000 - 5,000

€220 - €550

₹19,000 - ₹47,500


HKD 500 - 1,000

€55 - €110

₹4,750 - ₹9,500


HKD 3,000 - 5,000

€330 - €550

₹28,500 - ₹47,500

Total (per year)




Please note that these are approximate values, and the actual costs may vary based on the lifestyle, preferences, and specific circumstances of the student. Additionally, currency conversion rates fluctuate, so it's advisable to check the most recent rates when planning your budget.

Jobs and Placement Opportunities after MBA from Hong Kong

Let's explore some common job opportunities after completing an MBA in Hong Kong along with approximate average salaries in HKD and INR:


Average Salary (in HKD)

Average Salary (in INR)

Financial Analyst

HKD 450,000 - 600,000

₹39,00,000 - ₹52,00,000

Marketing Manager

HKD 600,000 - 800,000

₹52,00,000 - ₹69,00,000


HKD 700,000 - 900,000

₹60,00,000 - ₹78,00,000

Operations Manager

HKD 800,000 - 1,000,000

₹69,00,000 - ₹87,00,000

Business Development Manager

HKD 650,000 - 850,000

₹56,00,000 - ₹73,00,000

Information Technology Manager

HKD 750,000 - 950,000

₹65,00,000 - ₹82,00,000

Supply Chain Manager

HKD 700,000 - 900,000

₹60,00,000 - ₹78,00,000

HR Manager

HKD 600,000 - 800,000

₹52,00,000 - ₹69,00,000


Please note that these figures are approximate and can vary based on factors such as the industry, company size, and the candidate's level of experience. Additionally, currency exchange rates fluctuate, so it's advisable to check the most recent rates for accurate conversions.

Scholarships in Hong Kong Universities

While specific scholarship programs and values can change, here's a general overview of some common scholarship opportunities at Hong Kong universities for MBA programs:

Scholarship Program

Award Value (in HKD)

Award Value (in INR)

HKUST MBA Scholarships

HKD 50,000 - 300,000

₹4,35,000 - ₹26,00,000

CUHK MBA Entry Scholarships

HKD 30,000 - 150,000

₹2,61,000 - ₹13,00,000

HKU MBA Scholarships for Excellence

HKD 80,000 - 200,000

₹7,00,000 - ₹17,40,000

CityU MBA Scholarships

HKD 20,000 - 100,000

₹1,74,000 - ₹8,70,000

PolyU MBA Entrance Scholarships

HKD 40,000 - 120,000

₹3,48,000 - ₹10,44,000

Please note that these values are indicative, and the actual award amounts may vary. Additionally, scholarship availability and criteria can change, so it's recommended to check with the respective universities for the most up-to-date information.

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